Most children typically spend a very large period of their early life attending school. Some start as early as three years or even younger. So school is a very influential part of a child’s life. For this reason, it so essential that each school carefully selects their school psychologist. That is why, today, careers in school psychology are more important than ever. In fact, this occupation was considered one of the ten best professions by the US News and World Report since 2002. Hence, if you have ever thought about becoming a school psychologist and you want to know about the degree you need to have. In this article, you will learn about the psychologist’s career and job outlook are like or what your salary will be when you gain your certification.

What is School Psychology?

In particular, School psychology is an area that applies the principles of educational psychology, developmental psychology, clinical psychology. As well as community psychology and applied behavioral analysis to address children’s and adolescents’ mental and behavioral health needs in collaboration with educators and parents. The main objective of school psychology is to create a happy, healthy, safe, positive and effective learning environment for all children. Specifically, professionals in this field are committed to ensuring that the needs and welfare of students are always a priority. This branch of psychology was first addressed in 1954 when the American Psychological Association (APA) held a conference at the Thayer Hotel in West Point, New York. This conference was correctly called Thayer’s conference. During this conference, APA members met to discuss the purpose of a psychologist and the roles they would play in school systems. The necessary educational requirements and diplomas of psychologists were also discussed at this conference. Finally, in 1968, school psychology became an official division of APA. You Can As Well Apply to One of These 15 Affordable Online Psychology School Programs

Who is a School Psychologist?

These professionals are members of highly qualified school teams that support students ‘learning ability and teachers’ ability to teach. They use their mental health, learning and behavior skills to help children and young people succeed in academic, social, behavioral and emotional success. In addition, psychologists work with families, teachers, school administrators, and other professionals to create safe, healthy, and supportive learning environments. Which basically strengthens the connection between home, school, and community. Also, school psychologists provide support and direct interventions to students, consult teachers, families and other mental health professionals employed at school. In order to improve support strategies, collaborate with school administrators to improve school and political practices. as well as to collaborate with community providers to coordinate the necessary services. Do You Want To Acquire Your PsyD Programs? You Can Do That Through These 15 Most Affordable Online PsyD Programs

What Does a School Psychologist Do?

In fact, since the day school began, it has always been in school that children first learn their strengths and weaknesses. They also experience their other first time while in school. Such as first friends, first loves, first heartbreaks, and first enemies. Basically, these sudden changes can be extremely hard to adjust to some students.
Hence, School psychologists generally work with students in this category, teachers, families and school administrators to ensure that students receive the best possible education. Its objective is to increase strengths and improve weaknesses, such as learning disabilities and behavioral problems, in each student. School psychologists can play a role in the redesign of learning practices, especially for kindergarten through K-12 schools. In truth, the interactive observation of students and their learning is crucial for this profession. By integrating elements of developmental psychology, children, and adolescents, school psychologists study a wide range of factors that influence the way students learn and the way instructors teach. To get the full detail of what a school psychologist do, we did a grouping of school psychologist role on the life of those that they affect. Such as students, family, teachers, and administrators.

Where Do School Psychologists Work?

These professionals can work in a variety of Job settings not just exclusive to schools. They work with students of all ages, including students from primary, secondary, colleges, universities, and technical schools. Some school psychologists may also work in daycare centers, juvenile detention centers, and orphanages. The vast majority of school psychologists work in public schools from kindergarten through grade K-12. They also provide services in a variety of other contexts, including:

School Psychologist vs School Counselor

It is important to understand the differences and similarities between school counselors and school psychologists so that potential people can make the best-informed decision for their professional careers. Basically, both school counselors and school psychologists provide services that support students and encourage healthy development. However, they generally take different approaches to achieve these goals. For instance, school counselors provide basic services to a wide range of students, but school psychologists provide comprehensive mental health services to students with mental health problems. The difference is that counselors provide more general service, while psychologists are more specialized. Secondly, qualification for a job as a school psychologist requires extensive education and training. The minimum required to become a school psychologist is usually a master’s degree in psychology for a more specialized discipline such as school psychology or educational psychology. While school counselors often assume many responsibilities, they also follow a specialized educational path. Students must obtain a master’s degree in counseling or a related discipline Thirdly, to become a school psychologist, licenses issued by the State are also required. In many cases, employers prefer candidates with a doctorate or several years of work experience. While a school counselor requires to pass an exam to obtain an educational counseling permit. Some state licensing boards also require one or two years of teaching experience. Although most schools have at least one counselor among their staff, a school psychologist can serve in several schools or in an entire district. But generally, school counselors and school psychologists sometimes work together to develop intervention plans based on the needs of each student.

What Skills Should a School Psychologist Have?

The school psychologist must have several skills. These skills include effective reading/writing skills, critical thinking, and active learning. The good news about the skills listed is that they can be learned. If you are interested in a career in psychology, you should consider a degree program in online psychology that incorporates all these skills and many more in your psychology curriculum. Other important skills include: Although these are not the only skills required by a school psychologist, they are very important qualities.

Pros and Cons of Being a School Psychologists

Becoming a school psychologist has several advantages. The most beneficial aspect of a school psychologist is the ability to help students succeed. Many school psychologists have a predictable work schedule due to their work in a primary or secondary school. Although the salary of a school psychologist is one of the main benefits. Many believe that the ability to work with teachers and parents to help students is equally important. Becoming a school psychologist has many advantages, but a career in school psychology also has disadvantages. In some cases, the difficulty of handling complicated students and parents can generate high levels of stress. In addition, there is a lot of frustration and work-related stress that can lead to mental/physical exhaustion.

School Psychologist Career

There is a wide variety of careers for graduates in school psychology programs. In general, school psychologists will work with children. However, there are also opportunities to work with adults with developmental problems. Basically, graduates can find employment opportunities in schools, universities, clinics or even in government. Some graduates may choose to become clinical psychologists and obtain a license to treat their patients. Others will continue their training in experimental psychology, working in an academic environment that generally conducts research. Wherever they work, school psychologists have a variety of specialties or concentrations to choose from. Most school psychology programs prepare students to work with K-12 children, but some may allow for greater specialization in areas such as behavior, development, management. During their school years, students of all ages may face problems such as bullying, family trauma, learning difficulties or behavioral problems. Regardless of the problem, school psychologists are at the forefront of addressing these concerns. According to the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP), the typical tasks of a school psychologist include the following tasks: To carry out these tasks effectively, it is necessary to have a high level of education and diverse skills. Professionals in this field adopt a multidimensional approach to help students not only succeed in school but also evolve to become active and productive members of the community. Below are some examples of career paths available to school psychology graduates:

School Psychologist Job Outlooks

Basically, School psychologists use a variety of clinical therapies and behavior management techniques with the ultimate goal of helping students reach their full potential. Also, School psychologists generally work on campus in public school districts or private educational institutions with elementary, middle and high school students. They can also work in colleges and universities, kindergartens, juvenile detention centers, in private offices or in research centers. Hence, a school psychologist’s typical job duties will include the following: The job outlook is very promising for school psychology. It is believed that a significant proportion of current professionals will reach retirement age in the next 10 years, opening the door to a new generation of school psychologists. According to the Labor Outlook Manual of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the employment of psychologists is expected to increase by 12% between 2012 and 2022, and one of the groups with the best job prospects will be specialists or doctors in school psychology.

School Psychologist Salary

The need for school psychologists is increasing. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, just over 10% of all public school students work with a school psychologist every year; They are around 6.5 million students a year. This need is expected to continue to grow over the next decade, with many school psychologists reaching retirement age and vacancies. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, clinical, board and school psychologists earned an average salary of $73,090 in 2010. General psychologists working in primary and secondary schools earned $89,570 the same year. But those with more experience may receive higher salaries and salaries vary considerably according to location and needs. Some school psychologists decide to work in private practice to supplement their income. This is a particularly popular avenue for psychologists who practice in school districts with long summer vacations.

What are the Education Requirements to Become a School Psychologist?

Most countries require two or three years of higher education as a minimum level of education. Although each country has different requirements to become a school psychologist.While some require national certification. During this certification process, students must complete an internship in school psychology. In some cases, potential psychologists with a bachelor’s degree can obtain entry-level positions. However, many countries have strict educational requirements to become a licensed and certified school psychologist. For example, most countries require that school psychologists obtain more than 60 graduate credits in school psychology. In addition, the student must complete an internship of 1,200 hours. It is important to note that the most successful school psychologists have completed their studies obtaining a Doctoral and Master’s Degrees.

What Accreditation is there for the Program?

Most employers and health care reimbursement companies increasingly demand that psychologists who they employ should be graduates of accredited programs in professional psychology. The accreditation shows that an institution or program meets the quality standards established by an accreditation body. And they undertake this not only to adhere to them but also to continually seek ways to improve the quality of education and training provided. In addition, attending an accredited school may allow you to request financial assistance, either a traditional school or an online program. There are two types of educational accreditation: institutional and specialized. The American Psychological Association (APA) is a specialized/professional accreditation body. The Higher Education Commission carries out the accreditation of institutions. Institutional accreditation is provided by regional and national associations of schools and colleges. Attending an accredited school may allow you to request financial assistance, either a traditional school or an online program.

What Degree is Required to Become a School Psychologist?

Students interested in becoming school psychologists must first obtain a bachelor’s degree. Many students opt for a four-year degree in psychology, sociology, child development or education to prepare for postgraduate studies. School psychologists generally follow a program that leads to a specialist-level degree program (at least 60 semester hours of postgraduate and generally three years). Or a doctorate (at least 90 hours of postgraduate and often five to six years). Both degrees end with a supervised internship of 1,200 to 1,500 hours. The specialist-level degree is the national entry standard in the field and allows general practice and professional progress in schools. Students must also obtain a master’s degree or specialist in school psychology or a related field. Most states require that those who study school psychology take a specialized master’s program, which includes a long internship so that students are safe and ready to begin working in the field. Also, a doctoral degree is also appropriate for practice in schools and is essential to work in the academy and pursue certain research interests. Some students obtain a doctoral degree in school psychology, although this is not mandatory. These higher-level programs last approximately 5 to 7 years and include an additional internship and a dissertation. Meanwhile, some universities offer both degrees, which allows students in the specialist-level program to transfer to the doctoral program in the first two years of the course. In many states, graduates must obtain a license before beginning to practice.

School Psychology Degree: Programs and Requirements

Undergraduate Degrees and Programs

Most of the school psychologists in the world earn a bachelor’s degree in general psychology, school psychology, educational psychology or counseling psychology. Meanwhile, most school psychologists attend several courses in each of these areas. In some cases, developmental psychology courses are also important.

Education Specialist Degree (Ed.S.) or Master’s Degree Program in School Psychology

Graduate programs in school psychology have different names, such as Master of Arts (MA), Master of Education (M.Ed.) and Specialist Education (Ed.S.). Often, the programs combine a master’s degree with the Ed.S. Certificate. This degree generally requires approximately 30 additional credits beyond the 30 required for the master’s degree, plus an internship of 1,200 hours (approximately one year). Typically, students complete a field research project. The graduate will be eligible to obtain the state license and national certification through the National Association of School Psychologists. These programs are for students who want to become school psychologists who work with children in a P-12 class. Above all, this degree will 3-4 years to complete it. Crisis, trauma, and disaster counseling An introduction to counseling in times of crisis, trauma, and disasters. Students will discover the mental health problems that may arise from these events and learn to effectively advise students, teachers, and families in crisis. Cultural, ethical and legal aspects of such events will be examined.

Principles of intervention in case of crisis and trauma.Adequate evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of problems caused by traumatic events.Promote security through adequate crisis preparedness, effective response, and recovery.

This course teaches the importance of K-12 classroom management, supports positive behavior and maintaining appropriate behavior to create positive experiences in school and, society. Behavior problems and discipline are covered.

Learn strategies to improve behavioral problems in school-age children by designing and implementing positive behavior programs.Treat problems properly and develop discipline and problem-solving plans.Promote a positive learning environment by encouraging student participation, active participation, and self-regulation.

Students will spend 1,200 hours under supervision at a school or agency to demonstrate their skills, use and refine their knowledge and work for professional development.

Behavioral intervention skillsAcquire experience participating in psychological counseling, evaluation, and intervention.Practice communication between students, staff, and parents.Risk assessment and crisis management skillsPeer and community education.

Doctor of Education (ED.D) in School Psychology

Students can be accepted with a bachelor’s degree, master’s degree or diploma in education, which determines the duration of the program. In general, 120 credit hours are required, plus an internship of 2000 hours (full year) and a final thesis is required to obtain the degree. In addition, this program offers more advanced training and specialization in school psychology with a strong emphasis on scientific research. Above all this program is for students who wish to pursue a career in school psychology in a wider variety of contexts. Such as school-age children, colleges, universities, mental health, hospitals, private practices or research. Basically, this program requires you to complete it within 3-5 years. This course provides an overview of the statistical analyzes generally used in psychology, which allows the student to perform and interpret statistical tests using technologies and methodologies, and apply them to research.

Experience in a laboratory using current technology.Experience working with human subjects.Learn to collect statistical data and apply to research.Knowledge of the psychological tests used to collect statistics.

This course provides an in-depth study of the relationship between biological, social and psychological factors and their effect on human development throughout life.

Advanced knowledge of theoretical development and the ability to apply to research and professional practice.A deeper understanding of the role of psychology in the stages of development and developmental problems.Ability to explain and predict behaviors that occur during development.

Psychopathology A survey of abnormal psychology and clinical psychiatry, factors that contribute to mental illness and problem-solving. Students will work on the development of diagnostic skills in a clinical setting.

Practical knowledge of the main mental disorders.Knowledge of the classification system of mental illnesses.Develop the ability to diagnose and treat mental illnesses.A better understanding of developmental psychopathology.

Students discover funding opportunities in the form of grants and relevant scholarships for graduate students in academic psychology and grant writing techniques to ensure the financing of research projects.

Assign writing skills to obtain external funding for research.Ability to recognize possible sources of funding, including federal or private sources.Research proposal skills

Under the direction and approval of an academic advisor, students will plan and execute an original research project related to school psychology and write a dissertation at the end of the research. The student must appear before the thesis committee to orally defend the final thesis.

Experience designing, organizing, conducting and conducting research projectsExperience in research presentation and eventual publication.Acquire skills to evaluate research and data.Demonstration of professional competence.Advanced knowledge in the field of research.

Are Online Programs Available?

Online programs for school psychologists are available for some types of courses. As a general rule, to complete an undergraduate program, an internship of approximately 1,200 to 1,800 hours is required under clinical supervision. Internship requirements mean that you may not be able to take graduate programs in Clinical Psychology exclusively online.

What Training do School Psychologists Receive?

The training of school psychologists focuses on the use of research-based methods, understanding of individual and environmental factors that influence learning and behavior. As well as individual and system-level interventions. More specifically, school psychologists develop knowledge and skills in areas such as:

How Long Does it Take to Become a School Psychologist?

Basically, the completion of a bachelor’s degree in psychology, education or other field requires four-year. While for Master’s degree programs generally require one to two years of study. Programs in certain areas of professional psychology require a one-year internship. Generally, to become a school psychologist, you basically have to study for four years. unless you want to extend your career, then you can go ahead and obtain Ed.S and Ed.D.

School Psychologist Education Cost

The cost of licensing programs varies depending on the type of institution you attend. According to the College on Trends on College 2018-1919 survey by College College, the average annual cost * of a four-year public institution is around $10,230 and $26,290. The average annual cost of a four-year private nonprofit school is $36,890. Tuition fees for master’s programs in-state public institutions cost an average of $8,850 per year, while doctoral costs cost $11,120 per year in public institutions. Attendance at an accredited school may allow you to request financial assistance, regardless of whether the selected school is a traditional classroom or an online program.

How to Become a Certified School Psychologist

Before becoming a registered school psychologist, there are some important steps to follow to prepare for the career. Getting good grades in high school is important and taking psychology courses offers many advantages for future psychology students. In some cases, these beginner courses make future classes much easier. Another critical step for a potential school psychologist is to work or volunteer in the field. This helps to gain practical experience while learning from professionals and working with students. More importantly, it will help the potential psychologist to become familiar with the field of psychology. There are many subspecialties of psychology and the student must learn more about each specialty before embarking on this career. The search for different degrees and specialties is an important step to understand if the career or university best suits the needs of the student. A specialist degree will be used in most states as a professional and administrator (with the required qualifications in administration), while a doctorate will allow you to practice as a professional, administrator and professor/researcher.

Step to Becoming a School Psychologist

What Certification Will I Need to Practice School Psychology?

Each state requires that school psychology professionals have a license or license to practice. The National Association of School Psychologists offers a national certification consisting of the completion of the aforementioned master’s program (60 semester hours). As well as a supervised work placement of 1,200 hours and the passing of the national exam in school psychology. Licensing and certification guidelines for school psychologists vary by state; Be sure to review the guidelines for the area in which you plan to study.

What Credentials Are Required to Practice?

To practice as a school psychologist in a given state or territory, you must have proof of identity issued by the state. Specific requirements vary by state. Be sure to verify the identification requirements for the states in which you want to work and use NASP resources to obtain authentication information. NASP also retains NCSP credentials. Most states now recognize that the NCSP partially or totally meets the requirements of their credentials. To become a clinical psychologist, you will need an undergraduate degree (four to five years of college) plus a doctorate degree (four to seven years of graduate school). For this specialty area, most people will spend between eight to 12 years in higher education. Completion of a four-year bachelor’s degree in psychology, education or other field. Master’s degree programs generally require one to two years of study. Programs in certain areas of professional psychology require a one-year internship. Students Most bachelor’s degree programs in forensic psychology take four years to complete and are comprised of 120-130 credits. In addition to general education courses, students will take courses in their chosen major and minor. Anyone who wants to become a forensic psychologist must earn a bachelor’s degree. If you desire to become a certified school psychologist? Yes, a school psychologist can actually be a teacher. Below are careers you can do with a degree in school psychologist 1. School Psychologists. A school psychologist works with students of varying ages, from kindergarten to high school. 2. Social Workers3. Educational Researchers4. School and Career Counselors5. Substance Abuse, Behavioral Disorder, and Mental Health Counselors Yes! According to the BLS, career employment for school psychologists is expected to grow faster than average as demand for psychological services in schools will grow as the number of students grows. Others may assess students, and research how factors—both in- and-out of school—affect learning. To become certified to work as a school psychologist, most states require individuals have at least a post-master’s degree level of education. … In order to work as a school psychologist, you will need to earn an Ed.S (Education Specialist), which is considered a post-master’s degree.


You can definitely tell from the above article, that school psychologists are very needed in every institution. Especially if such institutions have their students in mind. That is why, today, careers in school psychology are more important than ever. In fact, this occupation was considered one of the ten best professions by the US News and World Report since 2002. Hence, if you have ever thought about becoming a school psychologist and you want to know about the degree you need to have. As well as what the school psychologist career and job outlook are like or what your salary will be when you gain your certification. Follow this step by step guide and become one. We made sure to exhaust all the questions you might be asking.

