#1 It is totally free

#2 Ease and simplicity

#3 World-class recognition

#4 Very accessible and flexible

KDP allows you to create your own royalty schemes, allowing writers more control over their own funding. There are two royalty plans to select from: a 35% royalty plan or a 70% royalty plan. It is critical that you conduct a study to determine which choice is best for you. For example, with the 70 percent royalty plan, you must account for printing and shipping charges, but with the 35 percent royalty plan, you do not. CONS/ Disadvantages Nonetheless, this article is of the opinion that the advantages outweigh the cons of using KDP.

1. KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing)

2. Kindle Select

You would be happy to know that this is usually automatically done once you start creating your book. Automatically, free, and without cost

People often exclude the process of enrolling their copyright. Normally, you have copyright in your work automatically from its creation but if you want to be able to sue for any violations of your work you need to have a registration. If you want full coverage and protection for your work, you need to register it on time( registration is considered timely if it is within 3 months of the book’s creation).  Since the first step is usually automatically done, what you need to focus on next is registering your copyright. This can be done physically by going to the copyright office to submit copies of your work, although this is not recommended. You can also register electronically I.e by visiting the copyright site for your country. You are to register through your state or country’s copyright office, for instance, in the US, there is a US copyright office where registrations are done. Note that this stage incurs charges. RELATED: The Commonwealth Short Story Prize 2022

After registering your work, a copyright notice is to be attached to your work. Any published work with a copyright registration requires a copyright notice, this notice which is usually located at any of the introductory/first set of  pages of the book must include 3 elements: READ ALSO: Top 10 Best Agatha Christie’s Books Everyone Should Read | Reviews

1. Royalty rate earned per book sale

2.  Audience/ Size of Audience

For instance, if you write a book on “Living your best life after age 60” you might not get a large audience to purchase that book because your target population will fall between age 59 and above as young people would most likely not be interested in the book. Therefore, you might not make enough sales from that target population as older people prefer hardcover books to eBooks. To make the best out of it, all you need to do is pick your audience and use the marketing scope and strategies that suit them.

3. Marketing Scope

Advertising on various platforms

You could market your books on various online platforms and even run paid ads, for instance, Facebook ads(Facebook Ads can be a super effective method of promoting your pre-launch ebook campaigns, get more Likes for your Page, and raise awareness about your ebook). You could also create a blog post as that will better facilitate your sales. All of these can be done before launching the book, to keep people anticipating the book.

Making your book very captivating

Your book can sell itself if you create a captivating cover and a fascinating introduction. By marketing well, you get a higher number of customers in the process making more. If you do not market properly you might end up not making good sales. READ ALSO: How to Write a Book Review (Book Review Format)

Book genre

Are you surprised,” book genre” made it to the list? Well, the genre your book belongs to might also determine your sales rate (some genres have been in higher demand than others). The statistics below are the first five most profitable categories on amazon. If your book belongs to any of these in-demand genres you stand a higher chance of making sales than if your book belonged in other genres. However, this does not mean that you cannot carve a niche for yourself if your book does not belong to any of these genres. Ensure you market well. 

1. Create a kindle publishing account

2. Input your ebook title and subtitle

Once you have successfully signed in to kindle direct publishing, You would be taken to the kdp dashboard where you are to Create your eBook. Remember, there’s no publication without a title and so the first thing to do is to input your title. The title field should simply contain the exact title of your book as it appears on your book cover. What you input there will show as your book’s title on your product page. Also, ensure there are no errors to avoid your book’s authenticity being questioned.  Make sure your title is captivating as that is what potential readers will notice about your book first. Your title can determine if customers will purchase your book.

3. Book detail and description 

Your book title is not the only detail that would be required to provide. Other details like author/author’s name, description, keywords, age range, category, etc. will also be required. If the book has more than one author, ensure you indicate by adding the other author’s name in the contributor’s name. Your title, description, and keywords are your selling point and so ensure they are captivating enough. Select up to two categories for your book and upload up to seven related keywords to boost your book views.

4. Create and upload a cover

5. Activate DRM Ensure you enable DRM

Digital Rights Management deters people from duplicating your book and delivering it to other people  without payment. Even with DRM activated, people are still afforded the opportunity to lend the book to friends for a short period through Kindle’s lending system. DRM only prevents them from stealing your book.

6. Upload your book

7. Royalty and pricing

Choose between 35% and 70% for your royalty. For most Authors, the 70% royalty will pay more. One thing to notice is that each royalty rate has its terms and conditions. 

8. Save to draft until you are ready to publish

You can publish when you are sure you have filled every information properly and you have previewed it on multiple devices. 


Also, remember that an author’s work does not end after the book once you have published your book. It starts with your marketing on various platforms like blogs and social media before the book is published and continues with you following up, updating, continually marketing, and improving your book.  The following 9 major steps to publishing your books were highlighted:


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