The Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) launches a call for applications to gain premium postdoctoral researcher fellowship in MTA’s research network and Hungarian universities between 1st September 2022 and 31st August 2023 in the Hungary MTA Premium International Postdoctoral Research Fellowships. The objectives of the grant are to provide an opportunity for young researchers with a scientific degree from acknowledged foreign and domestic universities and with internationally acclaimed scientific results and research programs of outstanding quality to conduct their research at the best Hungarian scientific research centers.

About Hungary MTA Premium Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Program Sponsor:

The Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) is the most trusted public body in Hungary, performing nationwide public missions related to the implementation, promotion, and representation of science. The MTA’s public body consists of almost 17 thousand scholars and works as a self-regulatory legal entity. The Academy maintains a network of full-time research personnel, which in turn is a fundamental pillar of the country’s scientific sphere.

Level/Area Of Study: 

Grants are available to pursue a Postdoctoral research program. Available Subject: The Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) launches a call for applications to gain premium postdoctoral researcher fellowship in MTA’s research network and Hungarian universities between 1st September and 31st August the next year.

Worth Of The Hungary MTA Premium International Postdoctoral Research Fellowships

Supported postdoctoral researchers will be provided a monthly gross salary of HUF 600,000 for a period of 36 months from 1stof September 2020 upon a contract of employment with the host research institution, or MTA Office for Research Groups Attached to Universities and Other Institutions.

Eligible Nationalities: 

The call is open for both Hungarian citizens and International Students.

Eligibility Criteria: 

To be eligible for this scholarship you must meet the following requirements: Researchers can perform their research during the funding period from 1st September 2021 to 31st August 2022 at host institutions. MTA Supported Research Groups and Lendület “Momentum” Groups cannot be host institutions. The call is open to both Hungarian citizens and citizens of other countries. Researchers submitting the application shall meet the following requirements:— Aged under 40 as of 1st September 2021 (born after 31st August 1978);— Experience in conducting research to be proved by publication list, citations, grants, etc.;— Holds PhD or DLA degree obtained from the acknowledged foreign or domestic university. Applicants at the time of the application must have the doctoral certificate or the official certificate to verify the possession of a doctoral degree.— Under the provisions of the legislation, the starting date of the first postdoctoral employment must fall within 5 years of obtaining one’s doctoral degree. Basic rules of the postdoctoral employment are included in Government Decree 156/1997. (IX. 19.). Applicants in the case of former postdoctoral employment must provide evidence of this fact by submitting the application. Researchers raising small children shall be granted an age limit extension of 2 years per child, maximum of 4 years, as an extension to the standard age limit or as an extension to the starting date of the first postdoctoral employment where prior to the submission of the application the researcher has received childcare benefit based on the Act LXXXIV of 1998 on Family Support or has received pecuniary health insurance benefits for childcare purposes pursuant to the Act LXXXIII of 1997 on the Benefits of Compulsory Health Insurance. Applicants must provide evidence of their eligibility for the age limit extension in the documentation of their application. English Language Requirements: Applicants whose first language is not English are usually required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by the University.

How Do I Apply For the Hungary MTA Premium International Postdoctoral Research Fellowships?

Applications are to be submitted in Hungarian and English regardless of the research field. In case of legal disputes, the Hungarian application shall be considered as legally authoritative. Applications are allowed to be submitted in English only if the postdoctoral applicant is not a citizen of Hungary and their first language is other than Hungarian. In such case, the English application shall serve as the legally binding document. Applications For the The Hungarian Academy of Sciences is currently accepting applications for MTA Premium Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Program to study in Hungary. The call is open to both Hungarian citizens and citizens of other countries.are to be submitted electronically. The host institution declaration and the applicant’s declaration bearing original signatures are to be posted or delivered (in one copy) to the Department of Grant Management of MTA Secretariat. (The attachment templates – Host institution declaration, Applicant’s declaration – can be downloaded from MTA website or from Downloadoption on the application website. Following their completion, they should be signed and uploaded toAttachments on the application website in PDF format.) It is sufficient to submit the declarations in Hungarian. Applicants whose first language is other than Hungarian shall submit the declarations in English.1. Host institution declaration – the declaration is to be uploaded to the website bearing an original signature. In case of applications to MTA research network the declaration of acceptance of the research project signed by the head of the host institution (director-general of the research centre, director of the independent research institute) is to be filled in, signed and uploaded, in the case of university applications the declaration is to be signed by the leader or leaders authorised by the regulations of the respective university.2. Research plan and detailed work plan in annual breakdown in approximately 15,000 characters (including spaces, notes and bibliography as well) – to be uploaded to the website bearing the applicant’s signature;3. Budget plan in annual breakdown including the justification for expenses – signed copy to be uploaded to the website; 4. Professional CV of the applicant;5. List of publications and citations numbered and in categorical breakdown, provided that the applicant has not uploaded their data into MTMT database (mainly in the case of foreign researchers or those who have worked abroad so far; researchers from Hungary are advised to use MTMT database);6. Scanned copy of the applicant’s scientific degree (PhD and DLA) or the official certificate to verify the possession of doctoral degree;7. Applicant’s declaration – to be uploaded to the website bearing an original signature; 8. Applicants in case of former postdoctoral employment shall upload the document as evidence of this fact to “Other documents” under Attachments and record this fact in the subject field of “Other data in connection with the application” under “Data of the application”.9. Further information considered necessary for the application (optional part of the application; upload e.g. the copy of children’s birth certificates to qualify for age allowance, the copy of documents proving maternity leave, the copy of documents proving single parenting – sufficient in the original language, no translation required).


February 28.

Online Application

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