However, the character of honesty is always found wanting in our society. It seems as though society reeks of dishonesty. Honesty is a character everyone should imbibe rather than shy away from. Honesty signifies truthfulness, good moral character, and positive and virtuous features. It is a valuable asset in many ethnic and religious cultures.  According to Edwin Sandys, honesty is the best policy. What’s the best way to encourage or criticize honesty, if not through writing an essay about honesty? In spilling your thought about honesty, it is vital to know and understand the guideline for writing an essay about honesty. Let’s get right into it! You can also read: Tips on How to Get Ideas for Essay | Full Guide & Sample

What is Honesty Essay?

Honesty is an important virtue that is lacking in our society. Honesty is a moral feature representing virtues such as integrity, truthfulness, straightforwardness, absence of lies, cheating and stealing, etc. The virtue of honesty is an admirable attribute that is a valuable asset in different settings. No one wants to rapport with a man who has dishonesty to his name. Honesty essays center around the true definition of honesty, attributes of honesty, the importance of honesty, etc. In an honesty essay, you have the liberty of exploring your take on the topic of honesty. Some may believe that honesty has worse than good, and others may think that honesty pays. An essay about honesty should support your view on the topic and contain your idea on what you think about the topic of “honesty.” Let’s ride to explore how to write an essay about honesty.

How To Write Honesty Essay

Choose A Topic

The first step to approaching any essay is to choose a topic. When selecting a topic, think about a topic that resonates with you, something relatable, and can birth a proper essay rather than a short conclusion. It would be best if you had a topic that you could research and get valid data to make up good content that is not overly extensive. The most crucial step is choosing a topic you like, not a subject you know nothing about. If you already have a topic, then that’s great! Go ahead to understand what the case is all about, what the essay topic will cover, and what writing style or format you will use. Once you choose and understand your topic, you can move on to the next step. You can also read: 8 Tips for Writing Your Best College Essay in 2022

Research The Topic

The next step is to research your topic. Researching is essential in essay writing. It gives you a clear definition of what you will write in your essay. It provides clarity and increases knowledge. An essay about honesty is a topic that needs crucial research, and you want to approach this step keenly and carefully. Head to your library or search the internet for information regarding your topic on an essay about honesty. Bring up evidence and citations that support your main idea. However, you have o outline your knowledge source for referencing later. Ensure all the authors, websites or books you get data from are outlined. Take note of facts and data that support your main idea. You may find it helpful to use note cards or enter information into your computer to enable easy access. You can divide your notes into categories of different ideas you may want to make your sub-main topics. Think of all the questions you may have asked yourself, and ensure your essay research answers them. Satisfy all your curiosity regarding an essay about honesty.

Define Your Thesis Statement

After researching your topic, you have gained more clarity; the next step is to define a thesis statement that will be your guide. A thesis statement is one or two sentences that summarize your main idea or arguments. You can look at your research; what are the main points or ideas you want to share in your essay? Try to summarize your main point; it will serve as your thesis statement.

Brainstorm The Topic

The next step is to brainstorm your essay topic about honesty. Your brainstorming is a thinking process that allows you to organize your thought and birth new ideas. You have to find a place where you can have a calm mind and think, write down everything that comes to mind, and use clustering bubbles to write out your main idea and smaller clusters to write sub-topics.

Write An Outline For The Topic

The next step in writing an essay about honesty is to write an outline that will serve as the framework for your article. An outline gives organized, logical, and properly flowing content.

Write The First Draft Of Your Essay

The next step to writing an essay about honesty is to write your first draft. Once you have your outline, write based on the information on your outline. Pour out your ideas, evidence, quotation, and citation to support your main idea. Use honesty essay paragraphs to share ideas supporting your main thesis statement. Ensure each section has a topic sentence that you will expand. Make good use of transitional words to ensure content flow. Transitional words connect your sentences and prevent the essay from sounding disconnected. Know and understand the content that should fall under your introduction, body, or conclusion. Read your essay aloud. Will your reader read your essay and leave it with a lasting impression? Use hook sentences in your introduction and exceptional sentences in the conclusion of your essay.


After you finish your first draft, the next step is editing. It would be best if you gave your essay the magical touch it deserves. Keep your essay aside for a day or two, revisit and check for technical or grammatical errors, omit unnecessary information, check for punctuation errors, and cite your references correctly.

Tips On How To Write An Essay About Honesty

Start earlyMake use of transitional wordsPut passion into your writingAlways have your thesis statement in mind while writingOutline the sources of your evidenceApproach your essay editing meticulously

Importance Of Honesty Essay

The importance of honesty is an essay that can not be overemphasized. Honesty is a valuable character that has existed for a very long time and has been taught in family, society, and school settings. Honesty is said to have many disadvantages, and sometimes it’s better to keep something to oneself rather than say it and hurt someone else. However, it is vital to be honest with people. The good thing about honesty is that people show who they are and do not lie for fear of judgment. On the other hand, being honest can hurt the feelings of others and sometimes break relationships. Notwithstanding what may pose a disadvantage of honesty, honesty is often the bedrock of a relationship. A person can win the heart of one and even many if he is honest. People develop trust and love for real people. Honesty is a bedrock for building an exemplary reputation. There are several forms of dishonesty, one of the most common is omitting or avoiding specific details. A dishonest person can build on lies to favor someone or attain something. Some people are not honest because they fear what people have to say about their authentic selves. So they build a public image based on lies and dishonesty. Dishonesty is a bedrock for destruction. The gains In an essay on the importance of honesty outweigh the gains of dishonesty.

Honesty Essay Examples


Using the simple guide we shared in thi article, go ahead and kill give that assignment the excellent touch it needs. The research and editing stepin your essay writing are important. Don’t snooze on any step we shared.


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